Thursday, December 18, 2008

BLOG 10...: Life How Did It Get Here??

I read that in the country of Estonia, directors of schools were approached by a group of people and showed the book Life how did it get here? By evolution or by creation? Various teachers visited all the Russian- language schools in their city to offer this 200 and some page book. Each school accepted at least one book for each of their biology teachers, but most schools asked for between 15 and 50 books. The director of one school wrote in an application expressing how impressed they were by the clear scientific basis for the instruments made in support of creation, the book’s objective and how beautiful it was illustrated, scientifically wise. They were eagerly looking forward to using the books in class. So in May of 2008 they returned to some if the schools they had placed the book with. To their surprise the biology classes had increased in grades and understanding of creation.

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